Friday, September 28, 2012

NEW Influenster Website launched!!!

Influenster has just launched it's new website.  Yippee!!  Yahoooo!!  There has been a lot of anticipation and excitement for the launch of a new page.  This new page is supposed to be bigger and better!  From what I can tell, it is going to be awesome!  The main problem right now though is the fact that there are "bugs" in the system that they are trying to correct.  So, yesterday, there were a lot of concerns on the Influenster Facebook page.  A lot of people could not get from page to page without getting an error page, but as of this morning (9/28/12), it looks as though most of us can login, navigate from page to page, and unlock badges!  Unlocking badges and other tasks is how you gain more "influence" to other trendsetters that are part of the program and increase your Influenster score (the score is a  new concept introduced on the new site).  I think that the scoring is a good thing because you can see how you compare to other Influensters.  So many people are always asking what they can do to get a VoxBox, and now, I guess they can complete tasks on the new site and increase their score!  That would be at least one suggestion if you feel that you are being over looked for VoxBoxes.  The new site also has a lot more activities to participate in, and I personally cannot wait until I can jump in and really make my mark.  Ever since I have been part of this program, I have thoroughly enjoyed it!  I've participated in two VoxBoxes so far, and I look forward to participating in many many more! 

For those of you who do not know, Influenster is (as stated on the website):  a free-to-join community of invited trendsetters who live to give opinions of products and experiences. Influenster creates links between brands and members to reward participation and influence future products. 

The definition of Influenster according to the site is as follows: 
An exclusive online community where tastemakers and trendsetters (such as yourself) come to share the latest and greatest news, places, products, and reviews with each other. 2. The hotspot you just bookmarked on your web browser that turns your social influence into sweet rewards.  So basically, Influenster is a place for culture junkies to come together and share their unique opinions of products and experiences. Active members of Influenster get exclusive access to deals, promotions, and swag from brands that thrive off the input (the good, the bad, and the ugly -- they just want to know what's up).

For more information of Influenster, please visit their page at and find out what all the craze is about!  New users will have to request an invite.  There is a link on the home page to do that!   

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